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XP, Vista and 8 get an update from Microsoft

Due to the saverity and rise of ransomware, Microsoft has made a supprise announcement and released an update for XP, Vista and 8 in order to help fight against these nastie attacks.

Microsoft has stated that the update to fix the flaws in now unsupported versions of Windows are not a change of policy and not to expect further updates.

The updates aren't automatic like in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 which have already received these updates. They must be installed manually.

If you aren't sure which version of Windows you're running, click here to find out how.

If you are ready to download and install the updates from Microsofts website click here to get started. Or if you are happy to have all the updates in 1 download, click here, to go to the bottom of the page and download all the updates in 1 handy zip file.

Please Note: There are a few updates to download and install. This is just a basic guide.

First go to the updates download website, same as above. (Pictured below.)
You will notice above (first arrow) there are three tables (sets) of updates to install. In this instance we are going to update Windows XP and in this set there are 4 individual updates to install. The process is the same for each, click on the link, download and install, so we'll go through the process below just once.

Clicking on the first link will take you to the download page for the update, scroll down the page slightly to get past Microsofts advert. Leave the lanuage as is and click on the download button.

Once the download has completed, click on the file to start the install.

If you get a security warning or UAC asking if the file is ok to run clin on the 'Run' button.

Next you will get a window showing details about the update about to be installed, click on 'Next' to continue.

Click option to agree to license and press 'Next' button again to continue.

The install process doesn't take long.

Once the update install is finished, click on 'Finish' and the application will close. Some of the updates may require Windows to restart, if that happens, continue with the updates after the computers has restarted from where you left off.
That's it, Remember to do all the updates from all 3 tables and you're fully patched.

Please Note:This does NOT mean that you wont get a ransomware attack, they just can't use old flaws in the operating system.

Simply click on your operating system to download all the updates in one go. Unzip the file and install, 1 at a time.

Windows XP (32bit) with Service Pack 3.

Windows XP (64bit) with Service Pack 2.

Windows Server 2003 (32bit) with Service Pack 2.

Windows Server 2003 (64bit) with Service Pack 2.

Windows Vista (32bit) with Service Pack 2.

Windows Vista (64bit) with Service Pack 2.

Windows 8 (32bit).

Windows 8 (64bit).

Please Note:This does NOT mean that you wont get a ransomware attack, they just can't use old flaws in the operating system.