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How to create a backup image in Windows 8.

Well firstly if you have done an install of Windows 8 from an upgrade disc, this is a good way of having a backup or recovery image should anything go wrong. Rather than have to reinstall from the disc again, then activate it, and then install all the additional software again, and then reactivate all of that, you can refer to the backup image instead.
Another reason would be if you have upgraded Windows 8 to a different version, for example from Windows 8 to Windows 8 Pro with Media Center. If the computer was 'Reset' then the operating system would be back to Windows 8 and would need to be upgraded again. This would not be a problem with a backup image.
Finally it could just be that all the software you'll need is finally installed and you just want a backup to save time if a restore is needed.
Note: Click on any picture below to see a larger image.
Firstly begin on the Start Screen.
Type 'Windows 7 File Recovery'.
Click on the 'Settings' link under the Search.

Then hit the tile, 'Windows 7 File Recovery'.
The program will now run on the desktop.

Click on 'Create a system image'.
Next choose where to store the backup image.

For this example we're using a hard drive.
Next a brief description of what's going to be backed up and to where.

Click 'Start backup' to begin.
This process can take a long time depending on how much data there is to backup and how fast the system is.
Once the backup is completed, another window will appear asking if you want to create a system repair disc.

I strongly recommend you do. This disc will help you to restore the backup image if anything should go wrong with the system.

Simply put a writeable DVD into the drive and click 'Yes'.
Select the appropriate drive and click 'Create disc'.
The repair disc will now be created; this process won't take very long.
Once completed click 'Close'.

Label the disc 'Repair disc Windows 8'.
Close the next window by clicking 'OK'.
Next click 'Close' on the message
'backup completed successfully'.
Finally close the Windows 7 file recovery window.
To check the backup image, simply open Windows File Explorer.
Browse to the location of your stored backup.

Everything in the 'WindowsImageBackup' folder is the backup. You can move or duplicate this folder just don't edit or delete the contents.
That's it keep the backup image safe. Read on here to find out how to restore the backup image.