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Setup SkyDrive on Windows 8.

Microsoft has made a huge change to the windows GUI (Graphic User Interface) in Windows 8. There are apps that seamlessly connect to Microsoft services, like SkyDrive.
SkyDrive is a cloud (web/internet) based storage service from Microsoft, from which you can access through a web browser or local computer. The first 7GBs of storage is free to all. Why 7GBs, according to Microsoft the average amount of data held on computers is 7GBs, so they have met the average storage needed for most users and for those that do need more, additional storage can be bought.
All you need is a Microsoft Account. A ‘Microsoft account’ is the new name for what used to be called a ‘Windows Live ID’. Your Microsoft account is the combination of an email address and a password that you use to sign in to services like Hotmail, Messenger, SkyDrive, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, or Outlook.com. If you use an email address and password to sign in to any of these, then you already have a Microsoft account, but you can also sign up for a new one at any time. Click here to get a Microsoft Account, if you don’t have one.
Note: Click on any picture below to see a larger image.
Click on the SkyDrive tile on the start screen.
Sign in with your Microsoft Account. The app will remember your details so you only have to enter the details once.
You are now presented with 3 folders, Documents, Pictures and Public.

The Documents and Pictures folders are private and no one can see these folders unless you choose to share them with someone.

The Public folder however is for the entire world to see, so I strongly suggest not using this folder.

That’s it, the SkyDrive app is all setup and you can add files and explore your cloud storage through the app.
What if you want to use windows explorer on the legacy desktop and drag n drop files into the SkyDrive the easy way.

Well Microsoft has a SkyDrive desktop app as well.

Click here to open the web page to download the program.

Click on the 'Download SkyDrive' button.
Choose 'Run' when asked what to do with the file.
If the UAC asks if it's ok for the program to make changes, select 'Yes'.
Once SkyDrive install is complete, it will present you with a Welcome window.

Click on the 'Get Started' button to continue.
Enter your Microsoft Account details and Sign In.
Next you are asked where you would like the SkyDrive folder to be.

The default is to put it in your Owners folder.

I recommend leaving it there but you can put it where ever you like by hitting 'Change' and selecting your preffered location.
Next choose what to sync.

Here I have selected the folders I wish to sync.

I have NOT selected the public folder so I cannot put anything into it by mistake.
Finally you are asked if you want to use the 'Fetch from anywhere' feature.

This allows you to access your computers files from another device should you not have them in the SkyDrive storage.

I have not activated this feature at this time.

Click on 'Done' to complete the setup.
You now have easy access to your SkyDrive.

Open windows explorer and click on the SkyDrive icon.

You can now drag and drop files and folders into your SkyDrive.