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Put the Start Menu back on the Windows 8 desktop.

Microsoft has made a huge change to the windows GUI (Graphic User Interface) in Windows 8. For touch screens I love it, very intuitive. However for the standard laptop or desktop computer I feel they left as more of an after thought. I think Microsoft should have given the desktop and laptop users the option of how best to interface with the new Windows 8.
Well at least the clever people at Stardock have the answer. A small program called Start8 which simply puts the start button back on the desktop of Windows 8.
The desktop
without the Start Button.
The desktop
with the Start Button.
Unfortunately its not free, but you do get 30 days to trial it and if you want to continue using it its only $4.99 which is around £3.15 at present.

You can download it now directly from Stardock at 'www.stardock.com/products/start8' or from this site click here.
Download the program to the 'Legacy Desktop'.
Now double click on the Start8-Setup icon on the desktop.
The UAC will popup, click on 'Yes' to continue.
Agree to the licence and click the 'Next' button to continue.
Leave the installation folder as default and click 'Next' again to continue.
Click on 'Finish' button to complete the installation.
Click on the 'Try Start8' to start the software.
Start8 configuration window will then open.
Here you can make changes to how the 'Start Menu' will work.
The default options work perfectly.
Just hit the 'X' top right corner to close.
Enjoy your new Windows 8 with
the 'Start Menu (Start8)'.