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Smartphone Operating Systems.

In the smartphone world there’s a huge amount of options available for users due to there being so many different handsets and manufacturers to choose from.
One of the most important things to consider when choosing a smartphone is the OS (Operating System), it will determine how you interface with the phone and what apps are available for the phones OS.
Windows Phone 7 / Windows Mobile.
Other including Bada.
Android currently rules the roost, it's known for being much more customizable than other smartphone OS. You have a lot more control over how the backgrounds, colours and icons look on an Android phone via different themes that can be downloaded on the Android Market which houses hundreds of thousands of apps, also generally cheaper compared to those for other operating systems.
Symbian OS was THE smartphone OS, until Android slowly came to power. Nokia’s Symbian, has now been commercially abandoned by Nokia. Accenture now provides Symbian-based software development and support services under a new agreement as an outsourcing program.
iOS can only to be found on Apples iPhones (not including tablets). The iPhone is arguably the most popular and recognised brand of smartphone on the market, it pretty much set the standard of what a smartphone should be. A large number of different applications, or 'apps' are available from Apple's App Store to give the iPhone more functionality.
BlackBerry OS is a proprietary mobile operating system, developed by Research In Motion for its BlackBerry line of smartphone handheld devices. The BlackBerry platform is perhaps best known for its native support for corporate email, through MIDP 1.0 and, more recently, a subset of MIDP 2.0, which allows wireless synchronization with Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino, or Novell GroupWise email, calendar, tasks, notes, and contacts, when used with BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Windows Mobile and Windows Phone are smartphone operating systems developed by Microsoft. Windows Mobile is slowly being phased out, while Windows Phone 7 pushes to make new headway in the this market. Windows Phone 7 offers a much more intuitive and user-friendly experience than previous Windows Mobile phones, also having its own app Marketplace, bringing Microsoft's operating system more in line with the likes of the iPhone and Android.
Bada OS was introduced in 2010 and is having a hard battle to make any significant impact. This operating system for smartphones is developed by Samsung Electronics. Samsung opened an international application store for the Bada OS known as, Samsung Apps currently having over 7500 apps.