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Movies on-line skipping and jumping.

Knowing your actual internet connection speed can help you to diagnose why movies are skipping or jumping all the time when being watched from an online source.

If you are watching a standard definition movie online, it's recommended to have a connection speed of no less that 0.5Mbps, 1.5Mbps and above prefered.
For high definition movies, it's recommended to have a connection speed of no less that 3.5Mbps, 8Mbps and above prefered.
To start click here to open the webpage with the speed test.

Once open simply click on begin test.
The website will now test your internet connection...
Once the test completes, it'll give you your ping, download and upload speeds.

1) Ping - the lower the number the better. Anything above 100ms should be seen as a problem.

2) Download - this is the speed at which files come off the internet to you, the bigger the number the faster it is.

3) Upload - this is the speed at which files are sent to the internet, again the bigger the number the faster it is.

If your download connection speed is 1.5Mbps or above and your are having problems with standard definition videos jumping, click on the link at the bottom of the webpage or click here to test the quality of your internet connection.

Once again simply click on the begin test button.
This website will now test the quality of your internet connection...
Once the test completes, it'll give you your ping, download and upload speeds.

1) Packet loss - Anything other than 0% should be seen as a problem.

2) Ping - the lower the number the better. Anything above 100ms should be seen as a problem.

3) Jitter - the lower the number the better, 0 is always expected for a good quality connection.

Once you have your results, the connection will be graded.
A-B is great.
C is tolerable, quality will suffer.
D-F is poor; you should contact your ISP for help.

For a better break down of your grade click on the link 'Learn More' below the result.
That's it, I hope this helps you to solve your movie issues.